Sunday 3 March 2013

"One day, I shall come back..."

I've been away.

(Poster by the lovely Lydia Butz

I've been busy, as I'm sure you'd understand. We're all busy these days, stuff to do, people to meet, projects to get underway.
You put something off for a day, say you'll do it tomorrow, and before you know it a whole week of tomorrows has gone by.

Shame really, but that's life for you.

Anyway, back to business.

Going back in time slightly, My dear group and I finally finished "The Reflection of Mr. Prigley" and I'm jolly proud of it.

It seems to hit a nice note with people, told by people, friends and so forth that they were moved by it, that it made their dad cry and such like, which is marvellous. Not that I take personal pleasure from making people's dads cry of course, but it's nice to know the one's work operates on an emotional level.

Here is the finished piece.
For full viewing experience, watch in 1080HD

The Blog:

The Crew:
Directed by James O’Neill
Producer - Hon-Choung Hou
Designer - Sebastian Leon Silva
Assistant Modelmaker - Rachael Lloyd
Sound Design and Music - Paul Freeman

I am indebted to the wonderful people who helped so brilliantly, worked so diligently  and did their best work to make the project happen.
What more could a Director want.

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